Oct 10, 2008

time still running out babe

guys, 5days left before i must go back to my fucking school huh

5 hari ini gue menghabiskan sisa sisa liburan gue di rumah, yep di rumah!

i feel soooo boring, tapi kemaren sih gue sempet nonton laskar pelangi sih hehe yaaah cukup terharu sih btw maharnya itu loh kecil kecil udah gantenggg banget! ;p

rencananya sih besok gue mau malem mingguan di pim okay that will be fun! hooray(apasih) why? karena besok gue mau nonton fast youth yang bakalan perfom itu tuh thirteen, sweet as revenge, killing me inside and etc... and the most special thing is... i gotta see my xboyfriend, and i really want to have fun with my newboyfriend, huh? see ya! byebye