"I believe in love at first sight. It just hasn't happened to me."
I think she was right...........................
Apr 30, 2009
Miley Cyrus Said........
Posted by Nadia Azka at 6:52 AM
HEAHHHHH. I'M FREE TODAY. Akhirnya selesai juga. Sebenernya nih ya, menurut gue itu adanya un itu ngga fair buat gue. Kita 3taun belajar di tentuin cuman 4hari dan 4pelajaran. Lah kalo gitu ngapain juga coba ya kita harus belajar di luar yang di un itu. Ck wasting time taugakkkk. Oke jadi sekarang ini gue pengen nge-recap tentang un gue kemaren. Ada seneng ada sedihnya juga dong. Let's find it out.............
Bahasa Indonesia
Gue ngga belajar semalemnya gara2 gue bingung mau belajar apaan. Karena bahasa indonesia itu hari pertama jadi ya wajar gue sempet tegang, susah tidur semaleman. Jadi gue banyakin berdoa dehhh. Ehm tapi menurut gue soalnya itu ngga terlalu susah. Walopun pas nyocokin sama Gaby temen gue(FYI dia adalah sastrawati) ternyata gue salah satuuu. IYA dan itu pdahal gampang banget. Jadi ada gambar kan, di gambarnya itu kan ada angkot ada anak kecil gitu pokonya kehidupan kota kan. Nah di tanya apakah tema dari puisi tersebut????? dan gue dengan penuh percaya diri menjawab B, " seorang anak yang lagi minta-minta" pdahal secara jelas di gambar itu nyeritain kehidupan kota dan gara2 mata gue rada siwwwwwer gue kira tuh anak kecil lagi ngamen eh gataunya lagi gandengan tangan sama ibunya. YES I'M IDIOT.(ga deng pinter)
Bahasa Inggris
Nah pada pelajaran yang satu ini yang amat sangat saya gemari, gue naro harepan bangetttttt biar dapet 100. Terus terang aja ya, di antara 4pelajaran itu gue paling bagus nilainya pada English. TAPI Tuhan berkehendak lain, mungkin gue belom dapet restu kali ya dapet 100. Soalnya pas keluar kelas, gue nyocokin itu udah ada sekitar 3 yang salah. OH MAN, emang sih kalo kata gue un english kemaren itu rada pusing soalnya ngga main cerita lagi malahan main kosakata dan grammar. Tapi kalo Tuhan meridhoi..............9 juga cukup kok. Pokoknya ngga mau dapet 8.
Yak honestly, gue paling lemah di math. Tapi khusus pelajaran yang satu ini gue harus bener-bener banting tulang. Gue harus begadang sampe jam 12 dan bangun lagi jam4 buat belajar lagi...lagi dan...lagi. Udah ah gamau bahas....................hopeless bangetttttt.
Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Alhamdullilah lancar....................................dari ke4pelajaran gue paling lancar and absolutely confident. YESSSS semoga dapet 100. AMINNNN
Okay, un berakhir apa itu tandanya?????????????????
Posted by Nadia Azka at 1:04 AM
Apr 18, 2009
Hello Invaders!
Guys you can call me a geek now, cause I'm seriously wild now. I do freak'n dance now. Man, this is it, my new syndrom. PRODIGY GUYS THEY TOTALLY MAKE MY WORLD CRAZIER THAN I'VE EVER BEEN IMAGINED IT. First we better know they biography, check it out! Prodigy The claustrophobic confines of a west London attic hideaway. Walls, covered in heavyweight purple curtains seem to bring the dimly lit room's parameters collapsing in as a huge computer screen’s wallpaper radiates the green glow of long hot summer. Its pastoral image of feudal tranquility is the room’s only window on the world. Look closer and there's a twist in this Constable painting. In the middle of the painter's rustic overtures sits a stolen burnt out car. It's an urban blight on England's countryside, a twisted interruption on this green and pleasant land. More than just a screen saver though, the image, one of Banksy's infamous reworkings of old masters, is the perfect visual accompaniment to the aural assault that is pounding from the room's speakers. Sweat soaked b-lines thunder with adrenalised breakcore attitude; rushing keyboard hooks come on like a futurebound flashback; guitars crack and vocals snap. The tour provided some of the greatest performances of their career and gave the inspiration for their next set - an album designed to play live, an album of short, succinct tracks with none of the over indulgent frills normally associated with electronic dance music. A set of tracks that arrive like an unwanted carbuncle on the over designed veneer of contemporary culture and go out like glorious victors in a war against the negativity of outsiders. Once again The Prodigy aren't playing to the script others have written for them. The first thing you notice about Invaders Must Die is how complete it sounds. Previous albums have always had weak moments, tracks that don't quite fit, or even the feeling that the set was a couple of tracks short of its goal. Invaders Must Die though is all there, a consistent collection of bangers firing from the same canon.
In fact, all they tour always seem more and more crowded. Yes club to the club, stage to the stage. Check it out!
Big Day Out, Melbourne 26th January
Girl, look his tattoo, HOT YEAH
Smash that drum, dude!
Posted by Nadia Azka at 11:52 PM
I Want -More-Time
I want more vacation, my brain almost explode.
I already throw up my books, my pen.
I want sing a song at a sea side.
I want swim with a shining sun all day.
I want that romantic feel in the middle sunset.
With a wind to blow gently.
Sexiest bikini woo-hoo.
Sun Bathing.
Man, she love being sexy all the time.
And sooner I know beach, always be number one spot that we could be happy, hungry, laugh, dance, swim, romantic spot and a gather spot.
And I love beach. A LOT GUYS
Posted by Nadia Azka at 7:54 AM
1st Post In Frustating April
Okay, wait for a sec, hm okay I'm ready, take a seat, hold my breath and screamed it "SUMPAH GUA KANGEN BANGET BLOGGING DAN BLOG GUE UDAH MULAI NGGA KE URUS, canggih!". Iya kejadiannya emang naas banget, berhubung 27 APril getting closer nyokap gue ngambil tindakan yang amat sangat kejam. Iye, nyokap ngumpetin modem sampe gue lulus nanti. Emang kalo gue udah duduk di depan komputer ngga kerasa waktunya, sampe2 rekor gue main internetan sampe jam4 subuh. Hm. Dan rasanya gue pengen banget nih cerita-cerita semuanyaaaa yang baru2, of course i have a dirty story and sexiest photos. Tapi waktu gue terbatas nih, KENAPA SEKARANG GUE BISA ONLINE? Yak, gara2 nilai pra Un Bhs. Inggris gue 9. Wakakakwakwk.
Posted by Nadia Azka at 2:30 AM