Sep 11, 2009

Which one? Or all?

Dear god. My mom told me that i'm not supposed to a sneakers holic anymore. She said that i already grow up and i should try a girly thingy shoes like a high heels one. Although high heels makes our legs more sexy. I cant even walk with those thingy. Kay, call me a dork, donkey, monkey or whatever.
So, i used to be searching for sneakers quietly. HAHA. And i think i have to steal my mom's creditcard. HAHAHAHHH NO NO! I'm not anak durhaka. SO WHICH ONE BETTER?

This is Nike Sportswear x Nylon Magazine Dunk Hi

This is reebok. (idk, what that type.)


Sep 10, 2009

Getting Smart

Believe it or not. My teacher pick me to be a candidat for chemistry olympics. What a shocking news rite? My mom and dad wont believe it. They said, i'm truly love my other activities than study. So, i think i'm getting smart. I want change the old part.

Lets see.
The test is today. Me and dusa arrived at school at 1.00 that a test start at 12.15 so we wasting so much time. The test is only 13numbers that have a children(baca:beranak). Cita2 gue itu ngalahin yohanes surya abis itu gue bakalan buka cabang pendidikan baru "nadiazka" (SOUNDS GREAT ISNT IT?) Tapi liat nomer 1 aja gue udah celingak celinguk minta contekan(beruntung bgt gue duduk di paling belakang). Dusa juga belom apa2 udah nanya ke gue(aduh gmn dong ya kan jadi merasa paling pinter) HAHAHA. Terus terang pas gue ngerjain tuh soal gue ngerasa punya semangat sendiri. Well, tuh guru udah percaya sama gue nah sekarang gue gaboleh sia2in. Duduk di kelilingin anak2 yang punya otaksuperjenius juga jadi bikin gue tambah mau mati bunuh diri.
Halaman kedua gue kerjain kayanya udah pupus aja tuh cita2 gue tadi. Terakhir gue ngerjain soal kaya gini: " apa yang harus dilakukan jika kita ingin memisahkan kapur barus yang sudah di campur dengan larutan garam?" Terus gue mikir, nih masalah kayanya gue tau. Tapi apa dan dimana ya. Kayanya gue pernah ngeliat kartun di tv ngebahas ini, apa jangan2 di tvri ya? HAHA
Lets see, jawaban gue: " kapur barus itu pertama2 di lelehkan/dipanaskan. setelah itu dia akan menguap dan uap itu kita kristalisasikan dan akhirnya garam dan kapur terpisah" (ASLI GUA NGARANG ABIS NIH) TAPI setelah gue ngerjain tuh soal buluk, tuh guru mau meriksa kerjaan punya gue, tasya, dusa dan mitha(maklum kita makhluk terakhir di ruangan itu karena sibuk nyari contekan). AND GUESS WHAT TERNYATA TUH JAWABAN GUE ITU BENER MAN BENER! HAHAHA. Gasalah kayanya gue nonton barney deh wkt itu haha :p bodo ah. The lucky come to me guys.

Kay. Bloon face got a work to do, see ya!

Sep 7, 2009

Quicky Cranky

Where am i now? at my mom's room.
What am i doing? doing my hell assigments and chatting.
What do you see? my class bukber photos.
What do you want now? boyfriend? (absolutely not. i'd like a candy bar beside me)

Kay. I just done doing my indo assingment. That i sit down in front of my daddy's camera. Read a news scrip. How repot doing that. I just wondering, how could real artist doing that with no exercise? Fyuh.
Bout school i just have 4days left before the vacation.

Sep 6, 2009


WHOAWHOWHAOW!! what's up guys? i'm so sorry i take a vakum time so long, i almost forget that i have a blog, its all because of twitter. Its like i was blogging with a short status message. But once again this is blog. This is a place where we can share a story. This is a place for we do a bacot. HAHAHAUHUH WEIRD.
Just go on a important points.
  • Now find me at al azhar bsd senior high school, classx3.
  • Smile at me and now you can see that i wear a braces now.
  • Look down cause now i'm a lil bit shorter.
  • Dont do a flirting in me cause i really2 enjoying my single status.
  • Now i'm starving. Need a 5bowl rice.

Sep 5, 2009