May 22, 2009

Summer Heat On

I'm Not Dead

Gila nih, gue offline 3hari. Gue ke Bali gitchu sama xiv. Cool deh, tapi itu tuh terakhir kalinya kita bareng-bareng lagi. Abis itu misah deh. Nanti semuanya bakalan gue post, sekarang gue lagi mau upload foto nih sekalian nungguin tag di Facebook. Have a great days yo fellas!

May 18, 2009


Akhir2 ini gue sering banget nemuin blog/twitter/status fb yang rata2 ngomongin soal copycat. Gue jadi aneh aja gt lohhh. Mereka emang ga pernah berenti ngomongin soal copycat/plagiat. Emang menurut gua copycaters itu kurang kerjaan. Padahal kita itukan di ciptakan dengan berbeda style, nah sekarang kalo di ikutin kan kita pasti marah. Kita juga kan udah cape2 nyari style biar beda dari yang lain eh gataunya ada yang ngikutin gt kan lama lama emosi juga LAH. Tapi yang gue post kali ini tuh , gua mau bersikap netral. Nanti kan kalo gue terlalu mojokin si copycat itu, nanti kalo secara ga sadar ternyata gue pernah meng-copycat sesuatu kan ga asik banget kan. Kiu kiu......jadi gua pengen ngasih saran aja nih, daripada meng-copycat yang ga berguna kan lebih baik kita buat kreatifitas yang baru. Siapa tau kan ide kita itu lebih gorgeous di bandingin orang yang lain. Emang usia sekita itukan pada pengen jadi spotlight di antara yang lain lain(iyelah gaul). Nah buat yang di copycat-in(?) sabar aja, atau mungkin lo ga usah sok sok-an ngerasa paling hebat. Kan bisa aja gara2 ketidaksengajaan. Hihihih. Okay? So stay tune for more incredible posts. Love y'all.

Famous Chat

Little Note: Audry Andryna is my close friends. No one can beat our friendship.

Andryna says:halaah sok atut lu kayak lo ga famous, gangster ajeehahhahah
Nadia Azka says:akakwkakwkw maaf gua bukan anak gangster aku anak rumahan, kamu nih gawele cekali aku ampe pusying
Andryna says: what? lo anak rumahaan? elo anak rumahan gue apaaaaaa nyeetiii? (ga nyante) huakakakakak

Nadia Azka says:
lu mah anak hutan anak liar RRRRRRWRWRWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andryna says: ajiooongzzz rumahan gini, weeeeeeeeees enaak ajeee lu kali tuuuh..kalo satnight aja pulang maleem kaan? yakaaaaaan?

Nadia Azka says:
ah udah insaf gua..tanya dah anak2 yang laen kmrn gua satnite di rumah, maen gaplek ama tetangga akakwkakwkakkwkawkww
Andryna says: najis judi ajee loo yeee, insaaap looo jadi manusiaa (asek) hahahahaah

Nadia Azka PM! says:
dulu malahan gua bukan manusia
Andryna says: wiiiih iyaa gue tau ko lo kan reinkarnasi dari monkeey kaaan naaay? ckck sabaar yaaa -,- hahahahahahah
Nadia Azka says:awkakwkwkw tai ngambek ah gua

May 16, 2009

I Got an American Flag Around My Body

Believe It Or Not

All the people try to reach us
All the preachers try to teach us
They will never find the features
That make our love live eternally

- Sarah Connor

May 15, 2009

Crush And Lost

Hey bloggy! Udah lama ya gue ngga nge-post lagi hm little bit busy around this week, I had practical examination and prepare for anything else >>>>> main topic, jadi minggu yang lalu itu gue main ke Cinere ke rumah tante gue. Katanya ada famoly gathering gt. So far so good, makanannya enak abis deh akwakw, udah gt gue sempet main2 sama anjing sodara gue. How cute, that's little dog was named 'Scruffy. Huuu can't wait to see him again!!!! Here I have a pretty picture..

(eh sumpah nih anjing emang badlooking kalo di foto, tapi aslinya truly cute! dan sangat terlihat kalo muka gue takut........hwhiwhwi)

Nah abis itu gue pulang deh dari rumah tante gue. Eh gataunya gue tersesat sampe2 ke jatiwaringin and then muter2 tiba2 ke senen..... -__-. Akhirnya gue inget kalo Dimas itu berotak- GPS. Dia itu afal semua jalan di Jakarta, akhirnya gue sms deh:
"parah bgt nih dim aku nyasar dari tadi taugak di Jakarta, blm nyampe2 ini"
Beberapa menit kemudian...........ada balesan dari Dimas.....
"kamu taugak? aku nabrak di tol bdg-jkt bemper depan ancur ntar aku upload di facebook, aneh bgt tiba2 aku bengong sendiri trus jeder aja nyundul depan"(gini nih bahasanya anak futsal, ck)
Pas ngebacanya sumpah GUA MARAHHHH taugak, sorry dim gua ga ada prihatinnya sama lo akwakwk. Tapi siapa yang gak marah coba? Gua minta di bantuin cari jalan supaya gak kesesat lah ini malah ngebalesnya yang ga nambung. Ya untung aja gua masih baik kan, yaudah gua prihatin kan. Dia itu sampe di bawa ke kantor polisi. Yaiyalah dia yang salah lagian belagu bawa mobil ga ada sim(aksakwkakwkw canda Dims!). Dan dia itu seharusnya di penjara 2,5 thn, tapi gara2 bokapnya ganti rugi jadi nggak jadi dehh akwkawk. Patient ya dear. Gimana dgn gua? akhirnya gua nyampe rumah jam 7 mlm, iya brengsek emang. Pas online gue di tag foto ini nih..

Kalo kata gua sih ini masih kurang parah Dim...............akwakwkwaw

May 9, 2009

Xbox-ing All Night Long

Selama 4hari ini gue libur. Libur menjelang ujian praktek uw shit. Gara2 itu gue jadi anak rumahan. Males jalan-jalan. Mau tau apa yang aku kerjakan di rumah aku? Online-bobo-makan-bobo-nonton tv-main xbox-bobo-makan-guling2an. Mau tau apa games apa yang aku mainkan??(mulai najis nih gue) So, check it out!

Perlu kalian ketahui, gue menyelesaikan game ini kurang lebih dalam sehari! Wow. I love it, jadi ceritanya mereka ber4 inilah yang tersisa karena semua manusia yang lain udah terinfeksi gt jadi zombie. Serem. Misi mereka inilah untuk survive dan pergi ke planet lain(ngarang deng). Senjatanya cool ada rifle, hunting rifle, shotgun, shotgun matic(idk...this is right or not). Zombie yang amat saya takuti adalah ini....

setiap kali dia mau muncul itu backsoundnya jadi kaya cewe nangis gt. SEREM. Dan kita itu harus nyari dia. Nyolot emang zombie yang satu ini. Begitu kita tembak witch duluan, kitalah yang jadi sasaran utamanya. WOW. Dia itu nyerangnya nyakar2 gajelas sambil ngesot2 kaya tuyul.

Game ke2

Gue belom tamatin. Bytheway menurut gue ini susah bgt. Jadi gue gamau cerita panjang lebar.

Game ke3

Man, I really love this one. I like the story so much. Keren aja jagoan gue dari mortal kombat itu ada liu kang sama sub zero. Tapi di dc universe itu gue punya wonderwoman of course, my handsome batman and my sexiest catwoman.

So why I've been so boyish in a few days? Don't ask me.

May 8, 2009

VNV Nation, illusion

I know it's hard to tell how mixed up you feel
Hoping what you need is behind every door
Each time you get hurt, I don't want you to change
Because everyone has hopes, you're human after all
The feeling sometimes, wishing you were someone else
Feeling as though you never belong
This feeling is not sadness, this feeling is not joy
I truly understand. Please, don't cry now

Please don't go, I want you to stay
I'm begging you please, please don't leave here
I don't want you to hate for all the hurt that you feel
The world is just illusion trying to change you

Being like you are
Well this is something else, who would comprehend?
But some that do, lay claim
Divine purpose blesses them
That's not what I believe, and it doesn't matter anyway
A part of your soul ties you to the next world
Or maybe to the last, but I'm still not sure
But what I do know, is to us the world is different
As we are to the world but I guess you would know that

Little note: see the bold words? That's for you D

Badabing Badabang Badaboom

Hari ini gue di tlf bokap, suruh online ym katanya. What? ym gue tuh udah bulukan banget kali ya. Pas gue log in aja ya ada 80new messages di tambah beberapa offline messages lainnya. Engga banget deh. Gataunya bokap mau webcaming, apadeh ya tiap hari juga ketemu. Nah abis webcam, tiba2 tasya nyapa. WOW! saya amat sangat terkejut dia online ym. Gue dengan cekatan(hyelah) langsung nyuruh Gaby online ym juga. Terjadilah conf.
Gaby: nay, ym lo paling kampung hahaha
Me: dari sd bos, maklum......
Tasya: hahahah emang pacaran aja lo sama si potek(what the hell...........potek is yours tas, gab!)

Lagi asik2nya nge-ym gaul si tasya off mau caw katanya. Tinggalah gua dan Gaby berdua. Sweet ;p. Dan mulalilah hal konyol..................

Kalo lo emang niat, zoom aja. Gaby itu sent emoticon yang bersuara ngomong "I love you bibeh" pake nadanya si cangcuterszz yang amat sangat gaul. Dan Gaby kurang lebih sent emoticon itu 5kali. Good. Siang2 sikap wild-nya udah keluar. Ck

May 7, 2009


For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic

Menurut gue udah saatnya kita mikirin masa depan. What will you do in future? And with who? I know, it's not gonna be so simple like we usually imagined it. It's gonna be more and more complicated. Dulu pas masih kecil tiap kali gue di tanya mau jadi apa pas gede nanti? Gue dengan amat sangat confident bakal ngejawab "MODEL DONG MA...PA!"
Mengingat dengan keadaan gue sekarang, I mean my big stomach. Agent mana yang mau nawarin gue jadi model huh?? Tapi kalo sekarang gue di tanya lagi "So, what do you do when you already grow up?" I'm supposed to be proud then I'll say "SEKOLAH DI LUAR NEGERI DONG MA..PA!" Gatau kenapa menurut gue menjadi orang yang sukses itu keliatannya keren. Nih ya kalo misalkan gue beneran jadi model(AMIN GOD!) toh yang namanya eksis itu kan ngga selamanya. Model juga kalo udah peot ujung2nya di buang kan? Tapi kalo businesswoman selagi dia masih punya otak bakalan di butuhin mulu kan? Bytheway, boleh percaya atau ngga, gue lagi nyari beasiswa. Iya otak gue emang standart. But, when there is a will, there is a way! Wish me luck then. xo

May 6, 2009

A Few Facts about Coffee

By googling, I found some nice articles that related to the coffee. So, right now I want to tell you guys about the facts of the coffee so we can be more careful to consumed it. Here it is...

1. Drinking a single cup of coffee that has been brewing for 20 minutes provides the body with 300 phytochemicals which act as antioxidants and stay in the body for up to a month.
2. Black coffee with no sugar contains no calories
3. Scientists have discovered more than 800 different aromatic compounds in coffee.
4. Espresso Coffee has just one third of the caffeine content of ordinary coffee.
5. Caffeine, which is found in coffee, increases the effect of some painkillers, especially aspirin and paracetamol.

Hey guys out there, I also been a coffee drinkers for a couple month ago. When I feel sleepy, tired and got to study hard for my exam I always consumed it. I don't know how far coffee bad for our body. I think coffee always tasted good, however in a hot or cold with an ice. After I read it, I think we better to minimalize it. I think we better drink mineral water as long as we could better than a coffee. It's more cheaper right? I think you guys agree with me hihihihi :p

It's A Sisha Time!

In those photos: Me, Tasya, Gebol, Dinda, Dusa, Jessica and Kimmy
Location: Sisha Cafe
For more photos, you can check my officially facebook!

May 1, 2009


Let's talk about lovelife, (Yup, emang nggak match sama tittle di atas, ya bodolah suka-suka gue, but, I think I'll do that if I want it).......after a very very long time I decided to unpublished my private relationship. I think this is the right time to talk about it. Ehm FYI, I've been a cutie single girl for 3months. THAT IS THE HARDEST PART YOU KNOW. I've been walking alone down the street, eating by myself, got caught cheating with the other girl(oops, I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to be a lesbian!) Yak, kira2 gitu lah. Sebenernya sih gue niat ngga mau jadian dulu abis un nanti. And guess what? I've been so confident to pull out all my desire........and I really do that. Ato mungkin ngga laku di pasaran...krik..krik. Okay, and now I'm searching for my REAL prince. Okay for the main point, I am searching for my old prince.....Yes I still love stay close. HEY I'M SO TIRED BEING ALONE ALL THE TIME!