hello dropdead gorgeous fans out there!
here i have a greet news, my friend odji says that his mother is in uk, he want to sell dropdead clothes with a good price! so i help it with a promote in everywhere! if you like it here i have that picture! and if you want to buy it just tell me or you can contact odji at his msn ---> kochi_dork@hotmail.com see ya!
it's cool right? i'm sure you have a big deal with odji, so what are you waiting for? go buy it!
Dec 27, 2008
Posted by Nadia Azka at 7:22 AM
Dec 26, 2008
i hear this song about 10x in a day, rrrrrr
Baby, You Wouldn't Last A Minute On The Creek
drop everything,
(forget each other's names) forget each other's names,
And just walk away.
Turn around and head in different directions,
Like we never, it's like we never knew each other at all.
We said what we feel, then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
we just walk away.
This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
What do you say?
This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.
We say what we feel,
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.
Let's just stop,
Drop everything,
Forget each other's names,
Can we please just walk away?
It could be...It could be...
Like we never knew each other at all.
Answer me!
All egos aside, what do you say?
All egos aside, what do you say?
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we've felt,
Overlooking what we've done,
What do you say?
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.
Posted by Nadia Azka at 7:52 AM
Dec 25, 2008
accept THAT!
he's not mine anymore, but it's doesn't mean anything for me!
Posted by Nadia Azka at 2:35 AM
Dec 20, 2008
Via's Story
Guys, so i will put my via's story, why? because she put my name in her story, read it guys haha
Few months ago...
Things were well underway when i arrived at Naya's party. I noticed a nice looking guy right away, but (sadly) he was wearing an engagement ring. I mingled, actively avoiding Mr. Engaged, but he was definitely watching me. Then we ended up outside on Naya's tiny balcony, alone.
He introduced himself (Erick, haha), and told me he'd heard i know the city like the back of my hand. He's new in town, and asked if i would like to have coffee sometime so he could pick my brain. Even though the alarm bells were ringing, i was attracted to him. But i was also irritated that an engaged man was asking me to get coffee.
Before i could stop myself, i threw my drink at him!
I spluttered, "Coffee? Pick my brain? You're engaged!"
He looked completely and totally shocked. And wet, since my gimlet was dripping off of him. He held up his hand and looked at the ring like he'd never seen it before.
I was feeling quite smug, until he explained that the ring..... wasn't his. It belongs to his friend, Arif(hehe). Erick's the best man, Erick picked up the ring for Arif, and Erick didn't want to lose the ring, so my dear friend Naya told Erick to wear it.
"All of which you'd know if you'd bothered to ask", Erick finished.
He looked pretty miffed.
Then he started to pour his drink on my head. I felt a splash of tonic water hit my forehead, but he pulled back just in time.
"I'm taking pity on you", he said.
He was smiling. I have to admit, i respected to move. I told him we were even and that i was sorry for the misunderstanding, and for the lime juice all over his shirt.
Beetwen the talking and the laughing, i was also very happily realizing that he was NOT engaged.
Erick suggested we go inside so he could dry off. As we stepped across the threshhold, he put his hand on the middle of my back to steady me, and i had to catch my breath. Goosebumps. Since he's so new to the city, i took the reins in planning everything...
to be continued...
Posted by Nadia Azka at 7:39 AM
Dec 13, 2008
Oct 10, 2008
time still running out babe
Posted by Nadia Azka at 3:41 AM
Sep 28, 2008
hangout lagi dan lagi
Posted by Nadia Azka at 12:02 AM
Sep 27, 2008
kapan? that day never come i guess
hey blog! hehe
bytheway gue sedih banget taugak udah berapa bulan yah gue ngejomblo? hehe
oh yeah congratsss yah buat puji dan egy yang baru jadian hehehe yah cuman bisa ikut seneng aja gue sih HAHAHAHA
kemaren waktu gue online msn sempet chat sama mantan gue haahahaaaa ternyata oh ternyata dia juga nasibnya sama banget kaya gue sepi gebeten gitudeh lagi seret katanyaaa hahaha
okay lets go to the diffrent topic -----> hey today i'll go the bandung cui hehe akhirnyaa finally gue kesana juga setelah udah lama ga ngeliat my super bitch IVIAA & HENDY & SALSA iya mereka itu sodara2 gue hahaha dan juga gue punya rencana shopping nih di bandung let's see it ------
1. short jeans paling di distro atau ga di fo
2. lomo red
3. hoodie yang super uniqe yang gak pasaran! hehe
4. kaos2 yang gombrang
5. gladiator merah
6. sia duitnya gue pake buat jalan deh ya hehe
mmmmm that's it tapi paling paling gue langsung ngabisin duti tuh semuanyaaaaa haha ;) bye
Posted by Nadia Azka at 11:47 PM
Sep 12, 2008
today addicted to...
Food : lagi pengen Mcd
Drink : hot chocolate
Book : go girl ajadeh yaa
Music : the devil wears prada& bla bla blast
Friendssssssssss : alviona puji cinddy& 93
Lovelife : nothing
Hangout place : masih tetep di pim ;)
Colour : RED! apalagi coba?
Movie : hellboy2
Want to buy : crocs; short jeans; short jeans; baju di crooz; lomo; pulsa esia (kurang banyak!)
Posted by Nadia Azka at 8:28 AM
sholat taraweh? this is my first time guys
guys jadi gini ceritanya................
abis gue buka puasa kan yaa gue mandi seperti biasanya, btw gue buka puasa enak banget nih pake mcd gitu hehehe lanjut----
kalo gue mandi selalu bawa hp kan pas gue lagi nyetel lagu the devil wears prada(cielah) nah pas banget yang di bagian gue lagi headbang di kamar mandi HAHAHA tiba2 bokap gue gedor2 kamar mandi akhirnya gue pause tuh lagu
Dad : " naaaay kamu cepetan yah mandi kita mau pergi taraweh nih, semuanya udah siap! "
Gue : " HAH? wtf! "
bukannya kafir hehe tapi ini taraweh gue yang pertama puasa bulan ini, setelah sebelumnya gue selalu kapok taraweh entah kenapa hehehe lanjut-----
akhirnya gue tund dulu headbangnya cepet2 mandi dan langsung cawww ke masjid, pas udah nyampe nah gue niat banget nih mau khusyuk banget biar dapet pahala gitu kan hehe
nah emang yah orang yang mau khusyuk itu pasti ada aja gangguannya huh
pas lagi semangat2nya baca doa tiba2 ada anak tuyul lari2 di depan gue solat ck ............. nih ye tampangnya dia tuh palanya botak terus pake baju kuning naruto dan badannya kecil banget(iyalah tuyul gitu) nah gue pikir tuh tuyul bakalan mondar mandir sekali aja GAK TAUUUUNYAAAA terus2an selama gue solat yah gimana gue bisa khusuykkkkkkkkk ;(
pas udah rakaat yang ke 8 mata gue udah beler banget mau berdiri tegak aja susah banget ya ampun badan gue kaya udah kecacingan gara2 kecapean berdiri btw tuh imam baca surat panjang2 banget kan ya............ pkoknya gue bener2 ga konsen lagi
pas gue lagi mau sujud eh anak tuyul lari di depan gue dan jatoh keserimpet pas banget di depan gue ASLI gue pengen banget yang namanya ngakak saat itu juga HAHAHAHA akhirnya gue tahan2 sampe muka gua merah menyala untungnya ga sampe kentut hyaaaaahahaha; akhirnya anak tuyul itu ngadu ke mamanya sambil nagis hahha MAMPUS deh ih ck
dan.................. akhirnya gue ga jadi dapet pahala, gue kira nih rakaat bakalan sampe 23 gituan gak taunya cuman 11 kaki gue batal deh senut2 hahaha padahal gue pengen banget berterimakasih+sujud2 sama tuh imam cuman gue sada itu berlebihan hahahaha
Posted by Nadia Azka at 7:25 AM
Sep 3, 2008
my fucking xboyfriend but i ..............................
everyday it seems much harder enough for me to throw away my past, i think that memory is always here inside my deep heart........... i always try to forget it all but all i can say is i can't....
Posted by Nadia Azka at 6:39 AM
OH! my eyes
hari ini seperti biasa, puasa gue lancar lancar aja dan perlu lo tau semaunyaa gue di kasih libur seminggu of course itu hal yang bikin gua suntuk seminggu terus terusan di rumah, mau bukber sama temen2 yang cuman ngomong doang palingan ck.. ------>lanjut
hari ini gue caaaaaaw nyari dvd dan akhirnya gue beli 5 dvd yaa okelah buat gue santai santai hehe first gue mau nonton yang namanya mummy3 well menuru gue sih gak terlalu menarik soalnya masa istrinya rick di ganti jadi tua gitu yaa membosankan!
abis itu langsung aja gue nonton yangke dua hooraay yaitu wanted hahaha yang ini menurut gue baru asik! hehehe yang masih gue inget nih yaa omongannya si anglina jolie(fox)
" kill one and maybe save thousand! " haha yoi banget deh yaa
yang ketiga gue nonton one missed call mmmm gak seru sih cuman tampang si setannya aja yang selalu bikin gua salto hahaha(lebay) lagian ga mutu banget masa setan pake hoodie hahaha yoi setan gaul................
fourth gue nonton speed racer sebenernya gue udah nonton nih tapi yaa cuman nemenin ade gua doang hehehe yah cukup bikin gua ketawa geli sih tapi gak menarik .........
nah! terakhir nih gue nonton bener bener asli mata gua beleeeer banget -_______- yah cuman gua belabelin aja mumpung udah jam 4 ini hehehe akhirnya gue nonton hancock bytheway gue suka banget nih gara gara pemainnya si will smith mmm handsome banget kan yaa awalnya ceritanya ga msk akal banget hehehe masa terbang2 gitu kan yaaa hahaha& endingnya juga gue bener bner gak ngerti gara gara dvd gue ngadet gitu hahaha biasalah..... abis selesai nonton semua bener bener asli mata gue suka kesemutan sendiri ck.. okay the end bye bye!
Posted by Nadia Azka at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Sep 2, 2008
Posted by Nadia Azka at 8:27 PM 0 comments
sorry telat posting ini buat tanggal 29 august hehe
sorry yaaa telat posting nih hehe; jadi ceritanya gue& inu mitha cindy caaaawwww ke pim tuh yaaa hehehe pas kesana awalnya niat nonton tapi kan kita semua ga ada duit jadi kita hunting segala macem yg gak penting hehehe................. akhirnya kita cape kan yaaa, kita ke wendy's e ngomongin cowonyaaa si inu hahahaha gila yaa asli gua salto saat itu jugaa hahaha lebay deh ih abis itu kita ke death by chocolate makan..................... gue sih berharap banget banget ketemu si itu tuh biar gue bisa pamer dikit hehehe(apasih) jam 10AM akhirnya kita semua pulangggg dan sialnya gue kejebak maceeeet paraaahhhhh di pondok indah& akhirnya nyampe rumah jam 12.00 capenya bukan main hahaha and hey my friends you must seee this photo silahkan muntah deh yah hehe
Posted by Nadia Azka at 6:57 AM 0 comments
my bored day
gak puasaaaaaaa hehehe bangga deh ih........... hari ini gak ada apa apa deh yaaaaa jadi this is my bored day
Posted by Nadia Azka at 3:59 AM 0 comments