Feb 13, 2009

The Unpredictable Day

Tomorrow is a Valentine Day!
Oh dear, for a couple of year, I passed Valentine ALONE! Why? I hope you don't ask me about that. But it doesn't matter. For me, that lovely day can we have it everyday, not only 14 February. Sweet candy, chocolate, cutie doll...............garwsh shit.

But one week ago, I chat with my xboyfriend.........so like this:

me: "......blabla"
x: " Iya nih, udah lama gue putusnya. Dia mutusin gue dengan alesan masih syg sama mantannya. Eh besoknya dia langsung jadian gt deh sama mantan tersayangnye "
me: " Buset, sadis amat. Makanyaaa....."
x: " makanya knp? "
me: " Mungkin lo ngalamin itu gara2 kelakuan dulu lo sama mantan lo yang lain. Karma maksut gue "
x: " Iya siiiihhhh.... "
me: " Gini deh, mendingan kelakuan lo baik2 deh. Gue sih lbh milih di jahatin drpd ngejahatin "
me: " Kancut "

So, the point is I NEED A HUG
♥. Huhuhuhu.